I can be mistaken…
Supposing that in this time in that they appear new virus every day, even every hour, we were still using the venerable diskettes that had their famous fissures or notches anti-writing, it is possible that at least low control were half of these dangerous enemies, far from our computers.
I began my computerized life more than 20 years, when the flexible disks were still big and delicate, those of 5.25 inches were in fashion. These disks had to a side a small notch, and they sold them with an adhesive tape to cover it and this way to impede any recording or not wanted writing. Then the diskettes of 3.5 inches that had a hole with a tiny one in a corner appeared it registers that covered it as it is wanted to record or not. This way, if it was information or sensitive programs that interested us to conserve intact, it was only enough with assuring these disks against not wanted writing. And that was everything.
In summary, the user had the total control of those that it happened to his disks and of the information that was accepted to conserve.
However, the times have changed, mostly for well; but also, although in smaller measure, for bad.
Now the natural, indispensable resource, is the pendrive that calls it to him flash-memory in my country or simply flash.
Next to their certain comfort, the pendrives gives great storage capacity, and great part of the technological portability in programs, databases and massive information, thanks to the Standard USB, it is possible thanks to these elements “of first necessity.”
However, the risks are also next to the benefits.
So much storage capacity gathered in some square millimeters of circuits causes admiration. The nearest thing to this power is the disks DVD, but even so the pendrives are growing in power and decreasing in size, coming closer to the last frontier of the good thing. To them it is also necessary to add the portable hard disks, although that it is a topic to analyze it separated.
I did mention the risks: contrary to the old diskette, a current pendrive “is it open” the whole time; does this mean that as much the user as the one who it can feign to be it manage all that there is in him arbitrarily: to register or to modify data and documents (well), to activate and to use their portable programs (very well) or to assimilate virus that immediately can begin to damage or to eliminate everything, being contagious the infection to all that is connected (well?)…
And here the problem is.
As for computer programs, it is unavoidable that when working they need to extract or to send information (codes, registrations, parameters, etc.) from and toward the pendrive. As for the user's data this versatility is not always needed. As for the threats that wander somewhere around in big quantities, especially if we go to use public's computer, there is not completely effective defense; if there is her, please, I request to my readers that help me.
When I bought my first pendrive I made it to conserve my documents and works, that is to say I eat cellar; but almost immediately I used a disk DVD re-writable again because he didn't have any guarantee that they were conserved entire. And the protocol of to add or record my new or modified documents that it requires well long minutes again is worth to pain. In this life, everything has a price, in this case, the work and the delay they are it.
The current virus seems to have special predilection for the pendrives, and in general for all portable device (cellular, cameras, etc.), in fact because they represent the possibility to go from a side to another. They can be infected this way even disconnected computers to Internet, with that which there is not reliable hiding place in front of these threats.
What can we make?
Revising some antiques that I conserve for a lot of time, found my old diskettes, and while I thought on what to make with them repaired it is their famous notches or openings. Through them a small sensor distinguished a light that, according to the case, “it authorized” or not to write data to the disk. Today this technology is not used, possibly for the fantastic speeds of process, for the portable programs or for reasons that it would be good to debate among friends interested in these trivialities.
Trivialities? Maybe not…
What would it happen if some maker rushed to the market pendrives with a device type switch that, according to the user he does want it or do need, do allow or not to record information?
I think that it is not very venturous or lunatic to think of this possibility: if a portable program needs it, a message could appear in the screen requesting authorization to record, then the user would decide what he needs, the same thing it would happen to the data. This way, we could use a pendrive in way “read only”.
I believe that to manufacture this device is not very difficult: he has to interpose a switch in a thread or driver particularly related with the action of writing information; I am not expert in electronic but I am sure that there will be them several. When data are only read there won't be problem; and when one tries to write them, then only it will be possible if the switch is closed or an orientation message would be shown for the user. Although to say it is easier than to make it, this concept is not so disheveled as it seems, truth?
Maybe only says starting from my experience; but many times we only use the pendrive to conserve data, and we would like to sometimes rescue them after a lot of time, except for the portable programs and the files that process, to many to have the power of deciding what it is at least what is stored in the pendrive, we would be aware that what there is there has our permission.
Now then, when I exposed my idea to an expert friend, he commented me: “the idea is interesting but has two defects: with the speed to that they happen the things this switch would have to be activated and to be disabled thousands of times per day, and the other one is that at the end it would finish deteriorating. Also, Windows 7 already has a preventive mechanism that alerts the user on the potential modification of data in the computer, it is necessary to wait to that this mechanism is more efficient until becoming maybe a powerful auxiliary anti-virus.”
My friend is right, there is not switch that lasts forever, and Windows seems to be reinvented with each version. But the use of new materials lengthens the life of the devices, like in the case of the video games panels whose contacts thousands of times are activated per hour, and it is even far the day in that the watchman of Windows 7 competes with the best current antivirus programs. Also, how many times has ourselves erased information by mistake, confusion or distraction?
It is well. The idea doesn't seem very fortunate, but it is only an idea. However, if there was in the market a pendrive this way many we would thank it; and if after buying it we need to have it continually open to all that enters, with the advantages and risks that it supposes, use it eternally enabled, and end of the history. Truth?
Ukamau the thing.
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