I can be mistaken…
Up to where I know, the general election of candidates to compose the maximum instances of the Bolivian judicial power, denominated now Judicial Organ Plurinational, are the first experience in their gender at world level, that that of for yes it causes expectation and not few objections, mistrust and questions.
And it is not for less.
In the democratic systems, from Greece, the elections are a form of consenting to the political power; but the judicial, much more functions those of high level or last instance, they have almost always been nomination object or selection, usually for a collegiate body generally of character legislative that is the nearest instance and it would originate to the civic will. That is to say that the legislators, as first receivers of the trust and their voters' will, are vicarial also to designate judges, in the supposition that these legislators have the knowledge, healthy vision or better approach to value professional antecedents, honesty and other desirable attributes for those who will administer justice.
Although this is the generally desirable thing, it is also good to recognize that the one lobbies and, when not, the games of interests or pressure of groups of power have always been, they are and they will be a factor of distortion for this dynamics, and although countries with long democratic tradition and “meritocracy” they have achieved big qualitative advances in this respect, the risk always exists.
Now Bolivia opens a new road that, truly, it is not known where it will drive.
To move away from this tradition, and beyond adhesions or objections that can be expressed and to defend, this Bolivian experience will not only mark a social learning in the immediate thing but also in perspective, because its novelty, clearly anecdotic up to now, it not only resides in the same election but in the later acting that will have this power of the State from now on.
The current government says that to snatch the privilege of designating judges and magistrates to a group of politicians that, even happening for on his ideological differences they finished being distributed quotas or portions of the judicial power, it is to return the citizens a not well used portion of his sovereignty, that which seems to make sense inside a society whose democratic culture is even in construction, after a long period of colonialism and later republican life enough sprinkled of political turbulences, despotism and tyrannies for all pleasure.
However who they are opposed and they question this modality they affirm that it is the current government's intent to enlarge their space of power, capturing in benefice to of their leaders and followers the positions judicial key to even dominate more the public life, and to cover in case, now or in the near future, it should confront trials and responsibilities for bad public administration, damages to the State or even emergent crimes of the abuse of power.
To who to agree with?
Some say that for the first time in the history the same town, and not their representatives, they will choose their judges, and the other ones respond that already anything is to choose, since in the previous phase of candidates qualification, carried out in the power legislative, of which derived a “indicative names”, they have already been selected to the candidates you tune to the government party, and that without caring who is winning, it will be an official one dedicated, fated or threatened to reproduce the power for their biggest hegemony.
In this respect, I cannot avoid to remember what I read in some part in sense that Henry Ford boasted of giving the potential buyers of its model T the freedom of choosing the color that they want, knowingly that the only one available it was black.
The time that is the definitive judge in these things, will only say it, and it much still stops that lack, what the critics of the history denominate “perspective.”
Anyway, the process advances and, of not having great obstacles, it will culminate October 16 with the results that for the time being they are an enigma.
But something is very certain. The Bolivians know more than the polemic that of the candidates. One of those “rule of the game” it is that no candidate can be promoted or to make campaign of proselytism, because it is not a political election. Adding this that at least nine of each ten Bolivians not understood in laws and their associate topics, the fact that the candidates, instead of candidating, that is to say, to be shown before their electing potentials, they should little less than to hide, the uncertainty is the denominator common of this atmosphere. Another reason more to qualify this process of sui generis.
Very little help the informative action that the power electoral Bolivian undertakes in these last days to remedy this hole of information. That, and the call for the null vote or the abstention that the opponents promote that every time is them more, even inside the same government party, makes difficult a decision and informed, much less consistent and committed civic vote.
Who enthusiasts wait the day of the election of judges and national magistrates, and who are not of agreement with this experiment, they need to know, at least, who compete, and for it, to collaborate and to guide the national public opinion, I offer the link-connection toward the list and main data of the candidates for the new Judicial Power of Bolivia. This link is: http://www.oep.org.bo/oep/candidatos.aspx
For de election winners: in advance who wins it will be subject to the rigorous scrutiny of who they supported him, and of who not; because the origin of its investiture was the urns and it doesn't compare it and lobby in the politicians' hands in legislators' list. Will it be for well? Will it be for bad? It is only to wait to that the future responds him to us.
Ukamau the thing…
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